A major earthquake left all the retaining wall posts hanging in mid-air off a cliff. CLL removed concrete from the posts to take some load off, made the posts level again and filled Polyrock (high density polystyrene) behind to hold the posts in place.
The abseiling team fed soil nails through the Polyrock and grouted them. A waler board was used pull the posts hard back against the Polyrock and against the bank itself. All the cavities were then again filled with Polyrock. Aardvark Concrete was brought in to blow 8mm pea metal to fill the void behind the wall. The loose metal was scrapped down, the wall lagged up and a new fence built on top.
The CLL team carried out all the work through abseiling with a loose fragile wall in wet and windy weather conditions. The job required innovative thinking, determination and physical and mental strength.